I have lived with rough collies since I was 8 years old, when I married in 1984 my husband and I bought our first rough collie together his name was Sox and he was the world to me, then we had Tozer and he lived till he was 15.5 then our lives changed when we met Sylvia Evans of Nutslade collies and I bought Storm the foundation of my kennel
Here are some of my beautiful rough collies
Lorraine and Nick Morey,
Berkeley House,Withy Road,West Huntspill Somerset TA9 3NJ
Contact details: 07710487494
email: brookynut7163@gmail.com
Brookynut Rough Collies
My name is Lorraine Morey and I have lived my whole life with rough collies, When I married in 1984 my husband had never had a dog and I wanted one so we bought a lovely male shaded sable and named him Sox he was such a wonderful dog and we took him everywhere with us.
Unfortunately he passed away two weeks short of his 10th birthday and we were both devasted to say the least of it, I was at the time 5mths pregnant with my daughter and although I had never had children I had always had dogs, so we searched and met May Young of Ugony Rough Collies and we ordered our new puppy staying with the same theme we named him Tozer and we got him 8weeks before my daughter was born probably not the most sensible thing to do. He was fantastic with both my children and lived to 15.5. When he died Nick searched the internet and came across Sylvia Evans (sadly no longer with us) Nutslade Rough Collies. She had a handsome puppy which we named Storm and it was blowing a gail when we picked him up at 8wks old and bundle of fluff that started our friendship with Sylvia and she encouraged me to show Storm at this first show I'm not sure who was more nervous me or him he was just 10mths old neither one of us had a clue. Well that started the showing bug and Storm did exceptionally well in the show ring in one year he had over 100 Best of Breeds.
Nick and I then decided we would like to breed and wanted to buy a bitch, I had never had a female as my love was for the male rough collie. Ella came from Brooklynson kennel (unfortnately no longer breeding) her father won Crufts he was a Champion. Storm accepted Ella and this is how we came up with the name Brookynut, unfortunately the Kennel Club would not let us have our first choice Nutybrook storm and ella's affix so we swapped it around and Brookynut Rough Collies was born. Ella was lightly shown as she is what is termed as the classic rough collie she did however obtain her Show Cerificate of Merit and Reserve best puppy in Okehampton Show Ella only had one litter and it was not an easy birth and she had to be spay at the same time and our little Millie was born who I hand reared.
Millie's Story I brought her home in my hand from the vets and was told she would not live I hand reared her and she was thriving her birth coincided with the release of the L4 vacination and as her dad had had the vacination and was fine I thought it would be fine, unfortunately it was not it made Millie very ill, making her sick constantly so much so it stunted her growth and made her blind. Obviously as I hand reared her Millie was never going to be sold and she is aptly named Brookynut One in a Million as there will never be another one from her mum.
Next to join our family was Tucker(Welanga Bush Tucker with Brookynut) my tri boy and what a worlewind he has been Jean Aikman (sadly deceased) gave me Tucker as she knew he would alway have a home with me I would not move him on I am afraid I do not believe in moving on my dogs they are with me for life.
Tucker has always been a nutter, on the go 24/7 he has had a fabulous show career winning 19 Puppy Group ones and gained his stud book number at 17mth, he had Show Certificate of Merit , he was placed in a large class at Cruft and had an audience with Prince Micheal of Kent on that day.
Jasmine(Lynmead Amalie is this Lace at Brookynut) our golden sable and Storm were mated and produced three beautiful puppies , Jasmine only had one litter and unfortunately her daughter April (Brookynut Stormy Affair) never had a litter both mother and daughter did well in the show ring but both retired now.
Ruby (Beldones Babycham at Brookynut) is a golden sable and what a joy she is very lightly shown as she was a covid puppy was mated last yea year to Freddie (Brookynut Storm's Legacy)and had a beautiful litter 3 boys and 1 girl, Ruby was a fantastic mum and still is to her daughter Pearl (Brookynut Gem Stone) her brother Milo lives with my son. Both Pearl and Milo did very well in the show ring as puppies and have both qualified for Crufts 2024 first time out.
That is my family of rough collies. I love all my dogs they live in the house with us I do not believe in kennels or moving a dog on if it does not cut it to be a show dog at the end of the day my dogs are family and treated as such. I only sell me puppies to people who are thoroughly vetted and I am sure they will give a forever home.
I hope to have a litter this year